Clearance sale!

Second hand swing top bottle different varieties, with 20 bottle 500 ml
Including the original plastic crates.
All bottles from a Restaurant that imported the beer, sell to customer but dont send empty bottles back to the brewery, reason: transport empty bottles to expensive. All bottles clean and beer label removed
20 bottle each 500 ml Including the original plastic crates
Price: 350,000 VND

Second hand swing top bottle different varieties, with 20 bottle 330 ml
Including the original plastic crates.
All bottles from a Restaurant that imported the beer, sell to customer but dont send empty bottles back to the brewery, reason: transport empty bottles to expensive. All bottles clean and beer label removed
20 bottle each 330 ml Including the original plastic crates
Price: 250,000 VND
Hobby Brewer Vietnam Club are pleased to support and supply all stuff to brew beer at home.
To set up an order please send us: your name, phone no and item no to HobbyBrewer(dot)Vietnam(at)
Save water, drink beer!
Save water, drink beer!